5 Causes Of Watery Semen


Today we bring to you our esteem readers, a topic that have people shy away from discussing public....boost that relationship today.


Watery semen is a term used to describe semen that is too light or diluted below the expected and desired normal texture and consistency required for conception. Gentlemen, this condition is a serious one that often affects the fecundability (the rate at which a couple can get pregnant) of any couple. It is very common and am particularly worried about it's increasing prevalence among supposedly young men in their prime. 

Just before we get to the causes and how it can be treated, let me use this opportunity to shed light on some serious truths about semen:

First, some people use the word "Semen" and "Sperm" interchangeably. This is done out of a poor understanding of the two terms. For clarity sake, semen is made up of sperms and other fluids which get added to from the other surrounding male reproductive organs. To explain it better, you can have semen without sperms, but you cannot have sperms without semen. Every ejaculate is semen but not every ejaculate has sperms in it. 


Secondly, I want to admonish you all to pay very close attention to your sexual health even in your youth. This is too important to ignore. Some of you have not had an early morning erection for the past 4 weeks and yet you don't think it is abnormal. Some of you ejaculate during sex and just as you are standing up or rolling over, the semen starts drooling out of the vagina of your partner. You have been seeing this happen severally but you haven't thought it wise to investigate the cause of it. 

It is quite sad that most of the complaints I have received about men's sexual health were brought forward by their female partners. This is not proper. You need to be proactive about your health, especially your sexual health.


1. Excessive sex/masturbation: This is a pretty very common cause of it. Luckily, it is not due to disease. If you have sex daily, or let's say you masturbate daily, your semen quality drops because it takes a number of days for new semen to form and mature and become viable. I often tell my patients who are trying to conceive to delay sex for like 2-3 days before their wives start ovulating. This delay is to ensure that more sperms are produced and have enough time to mature.
  • Colour: Normal colour of semen is white to milky like pap. If your semen  is dirty brown or has blood in it, you should be alarmed and get investigated.‬

  • Texture/Consistency: Normal healthy semen is sticky and stretches somewhat when touched. 

  • Odour: Semen has a peculiar odour that is raw. I once had a lady complain to me that her partner's semen smelled very offensive. The partner had apparently ejaculated in her mouth during sex and she had no option but to taste and smell it. It was after that disturbing encounter that they sought medical help. Seek medical help if your semen has a foul or offensive odour.

  • Volume Normal volume of ejaculate is between 2 to 5mls (half to one full teaspoon). When the volume is less than 2mls, it is known as hypospermia and when it is in excess of 5.6mls it is known as hyperspermia. When the sperm is excess, it can also pose serious fertility problems to a couple. 

Have you noticed that if you have sex frequently, it becomes difficult to climax?‬ In fact, with each round of sex, ejaculation gets more difficult. And when and if eventually you ejaculate, the volume of semen is very small while its colour changes from its usual white to one that is almost clear. 

Now, if you are married and trying to conceive, this is an important fact to note and work with. If however you are an unmarried young man, knowing this fact will alleviate your fears when you discover that after series of sex or masturbation, your semen gets progressively watery.

However, there is another infection, although it can be transmitted via sex, it is not an STD. This infection is known as Staphylococcus auerus infection. It is often a silent infection that can be picked up from a man's partner during sex and can travel to the testes where sperms are produced. The infection destroys sperms and causes semen to watery. Unless you do a semen culture, you will never know that staph aureus is destroying sperms.


2. Certain medications: medications too can destroy sperms and reduce the viability of semen and hence affect a man's ability to conceive. ‬

Drugs like steroids (used commonly by some men to develop muscles), ketoconazole (an antifungal drug), diuretics (for treating hypertension), certain antidepressants like prozac, chemotherapeutic drugs, and some ulcer drugs like cimetidine. 

My advise is this: if you are married and trying to conceive, don't just swallow any drug that comes your way. Discuss with your doctor for guidance.

For example, do you know that a class of painkillers known as NSAIDs (e.g diclofenac, naproxen, ibuprofen, etc) have been found to cause temporary infertility in men and women? ‬Yes, the good thing is that once your stop the drugs, your fertility returns back to its normal state. So if you are trying to conceive, you may want to speak with your doctor before using NSAIDs to relieve pain.

Same  applies to a BP drug known as Aldomet (Methyldopa). It causes erectile dysfunction as a side effect in some men. Be careful what you take once you are trying to conceive.

3. Varicocele, undescended testes: these are conditions that affect men especially during their childhood. Although these conditions usually inflict boys in their childhood, the complications caused are long lasting and follow the boys into adult hood.‬‬


4.  Excessive heat on the scrotum:* If you are fond of wearing tight pants or skinny jeans even when the it is infernally hot outside, you are doing your sperms a great disservice. ‬‬Have you ever wondered why the balls are hanging loosely in the scrotum outside of the body? One would have expected that they be tucked inside the abdomen just like the intestines, right? But that's not the case. 

God, the greatest scientist, knew that if it were so, the high internal body temperature or heat will fry the balls like bean cakes and destroy the sperms making men eternally infertile! 
So He, God, let them hang out of the body but in a special pouch call the scrotum. 

The testes have an internal temperature that is 2° less than that of the internal body temperature which is just perfect for semen production. Anyways, tight pants (trousers) make it difficult for air to get to the balls. This contribute to the heat given of by the body which makes it hellish for the balls. You are inadvertently frying your balls.

Gentlemen, another fryer of balls is laptop. When you seat your laptops on your laps for hours, the heat from spreads and reaches your balls. ‬‬If you work as a driver, especially of a truck, you may want to take special precaution to minimize the reproductive hazard associated with it.

5. Cigarette smoking, marijuana, and cocaine have serious side effects on semen viability. They are known to cause infertility in males. In fact, marijuana causes vaginal dryness in females (a condition known as cotton vagina) and can make them turned off during sex and this can affect their fertility.


the treatment depends on the cause. If it is an infection, the infection is treated with antibiotics. When it is caused by medication, the medication is discontinued. So basically, it depends on the causes.‬‬

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