DETHOXITHON: Fruits And Vegetables Recipe for Various Diseases


To our extreme readers, we bring to your door step fruits recipe for a healthy living.

For infertility, fibroid, hormonal imbalance, obesity, falopian tube blockage
Detox with: onion, lemon, tamarind, herbiscus, pineapple, apple, grapefruit, water melon, cactus, Irish potatoes, wild yam, okra, cassava leaves, cabbage, cucumber, beetroots, garlic, Cayenne. Ginger, Sprouted Seeds.

Complementary Treatment option: Castor oil pack, liver detox, hot foot bath, fermentation, colon detox, blood cleanser, herbal tea digestive cleans.

For strange illnesses, hypertension, tumor or growth, cancer, kidney issues, inflamed heart, stroke, diabetes, ulcer, pile, arthritis, osteoporosis, persistent cough and catarrh, asthma, watery sperm, weak erection, prostrate issues, seizures. Internal heat and body pain and any incurable.
Detox with: carrots, celery, parsley, beetroots, kale, mint leaves, curry leaves, thyme, Cayenne, ginger, olive oil, wheat grass, tumeric, spinach, ugu, leaves of fruit tree, moringa.

Complementary Treatment option: liver detox, salt glow, detox bath, herbal tea, blood cleanser, Castor oil park on tumor and organ, colon enema, sun bath, alkalizing bath, Hot and cold shower, coffee enema, herbal pack, message.

For PID, UTI, kidney issues
Detox: with tomatoes, cranberry, cocoanut oil, garlic, ACV, lemon, lime, Cayenne, tumeric, grapefruit, tangerine etc If you suffer UTIs, please do not miss out oranges, tangerines, grape fruit and turmeric in your juice. UTIS are the leading causes of blocked tubes.

Complementary Treatment option: kidney cleans, liver detox, garlic honey ACV tea, hot foot bath, fermentation, sitz bath, Castor oil pack, blood cleanser, tumeranti tea, herbal teas.

For Stomach issues, typhoid and malaria, high fever, strange fever, blood issues, seasonal ailments.
Cabbage, Cayenne, lemon with back, ginger, leaves of guava, mango, cashew, pawpaw, avocado, mango, orange etc, cucumber, kale, spinach

A must have is a juice extractor (juicer) especialy for the incurale whether manual or electric.

Other items include, castor oil, Ghana seeds, enema can, hot water bottle for asthma and other organ related issue, Apple cider vinegar for washing all fruits and vegetables, Matson jars for preserving the juice, clean drinkable water preferable borehole non chemically treated, a daily juice fast timetable.
Other natural treatment procedure that go with the detox are kidney flush, lung detox, liver detox, colon detox.

Warning:  Pregnant woman and breastfeeding mothers should not participate.
