Solutions To Vaginal Dryness


Vaginal Dryness and infertility

Cervical Mucous.

This is for the married women, have you ever wondered why it is at the peak of ovulation that as a woman you are wet the most, showing connection between ovulation and wetness. Have you been experiencing dryness to a point that you have to be using lubricant? Dryness is also one of the sign of hormonal imbalance

It is common for a woman to experience some vaginal dryness, which may make it difficult to get pregnant. We knew that getting “wet” down there was not only important to the comfort and ease of enjoying intercourse, but for making a baby as well. The cervical mucous a woman produces actually helps in conception efforts. Cervical mucous is necessary for allowing the sperm to swim freely through the cervix.

Read  Article on Causes Of WATERY SEMEN

Healthy fertile cervical mucus nourishes the sperm, protects them from the natural acidity of the vagina, and guides them toward the ovum.

How to Correct Vaginal Dryness

Many have asked me what we have used to get a woman fertile again and my response is restore wetness and a healthy reproductive organ. Some of the major procedure we have used include the following

Essential Fatty Acids (fertility nutrition):

Be sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids each day in your diet. which contains omega 3, 6 and 9. This is the main reason why we recommend you using what we call fertility seeds, basically oily seeds, which are gradually disappearing in our diet hence the rise in infertility issues in both male and females.

They are seeds such as pumpkin seeds (both ugu seeds or the real pumpkin), sesame seed, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, and nuts such as tiger bot, cocoanut, bambara nuts, cashew nuts etc which are rich in essentially fatty acids.

  • These Essential fatty acids help to:
  • Regulate hormones. 
  • Increase the blood flow to the uterus.
  • Reduce sensitivity to the hormone prolactin, which can suppress ovulation.
  • Increases egg white cervical mucus, which is needed to help the sperm reach the egg.
  • Helps your cycle to become normalized.

READ ALSO:Causes Of Watery Semen

A Liver Detox:

the liver is the main organ that controls hormone, it filters off excess protein, parasite and toxins in the blood which is essential for balancing hormone as they interfere with the livers ability to balance hormone, do a natural liver detox. Herbs that support liver health are Dandelion root, milk thistle, lemon water, coffee enema, etc. These also help in stimulating mucous membrane secretion. They also Nutritively supports liver health for hormonal balance.


Listen ladies if you don’t like okra, think it’s nasty and slimy, then think again.  Instead think of the nasty wet great sex you can be having with regular consumption of this stuff! The slimy stuff on the inside of the okra, works to keep our ladies parts wet.

Wild yams:

Since the 18th century wild yams have been used to aid hormonal imbalance. It is a natural source of estrogen and is believed to lower cholesterol.
Low estrogen levels are a major cause of vaginal dryness, as estrogen ensures that the vagina maintains correct acidity levels, elasticity, has a natural defense, and remains lubricated.

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